A World of Tobacco & E-Vapor Information at Your Fingertips -- Continuously updated and available via TMA's website.

Since the 1980's the TMA has worked to build the world's largest collection of data and textbases of tobacco and vapor information available anywhere. Updates keep your picture of the worldwide tobacco and vapor industries current.

Below is an index of the services associated with Platinum:

International Public Policy Guide 

Tobacco Litigation Outside the US

International Tobacco Tax & Business Guide

Tobacco China

Tobacco & E-Vapor USA

US Cigarette Brands Directory (1864-Present)

US Tobacco & E-Vapor Tax Guide

World Cigarette Guide





Pricing - Effective January 1, 2018

Service Type

Annual Cost 

Platinum - Single User System


Platinum - Company Wide Multi-User System

Contact TMA for Pricing Information

For additional information, send an email to tma@tma.org